Make a fun sign for your snowman to greet your friends and neighbors this Valentine’s Day. It’s a cute simple way to celebrate winter and Valentine’s Day.
We got so much snow over the weekend, and whenever we do, a snowman is always in order. While you’re at it, make a sign to go along with his happy face.
How to make a Valentine’s Day Snowman
First you will need a lot of snow to build your snowman!
Here is what you need:
-red or pink snow hat, scarf and mittens
-cotton stuffing
-cardboard for the cardboard heart sign
-a long piece of wire to go around the neck of the snowman
-pink and red acrylic craft paint
To make the heart shaped poster, first cut the cardboard into the shape of a heart.
Next, paint the heart shaped card board with acrylic craft paint with your message on it.
For the mittens, stuff the ends of them with cotton stuffing. Now tape the open ends of them to the back of the poster board with the finger tips wrapping around to be seen in the front.
The sign hangs with wire around the back of the snowman’s neck.
Does this happy snowman get you excited for Valentine’s Day? This time of year, you just can’t have too much pink and red.