Breaker Breaker…we have a Niner-Niner. 🙂
All this week we are celebrating the newest niner-niner at our house AKA “the Avester”.
Thank goodness I can still bribe her into the homemade birthday hat photo each year, because my plan is to do it until she’s 30…I mean 20…no…I mean 40. 😉 This is how she feels about turning 9.
This is how I feel about her getting one year closer to the double digits.
Here’s a fun look back at my girl through the years:
turning 8
turning 7
turning 6
turning 5
A few of my friends have asked about how Avery’s doing since the loss of her baby sister Afton. Seeing her in all the pictures that we have that day is so hard. It definitely was hard for her at first. Telling her the Sunday before we knew Afton was going to pass on that her baby sister was needed more in heaven than here on earth, was one of the saddest things we had to do. She is at an age where she understands so much, and she was really looking forward to having a baby sister here. Thankfully, kids are so resilient. They really are. She told one of my friends that she didn’t need to cry right then, because she had “cried out all of her tears”. I love that. As much as I know this experience will have such an effect on her life and cause her to have to grow up a little quicker in a way, I love knowing that she can bounce back to being a happy kid.
We love you Avery Jane!
Happy Birthday!